
How to Bring Your Backyard to Life

After a lockdown, or two, or three, there’s a good chance you’re looking to push your backyard to new heights with regards to its usability and general appeal.

For those lucky enough to have a backyard, you’ll know that there are so many different avenues for use that allow your backyard to essentially add a whole new life space area to your home — if designed correctly.

That in mind, if your home’s feeling a little cramped this season or you’re just looking to get into the outdoors a little more often, then we have some fantastic tips for you below.

Take a look at how to bring your backyard to life!

Get Cleaning and Decluttering

One of the first things you’re going to want to do is get a handle of any mess or unused items in the backyard.

If you’re like most people, there’s a good chance there are a few pieces of furniture or even some tools and machinery in your backyard that aren’t used anymore and are just taking up space. We suggest starting here.

Work to throw away anything and everything that doesn’t have a place in your backyard or doesn’t get used all too often. You want to make sure you have as much free space as possible.

It’s also a good idea to contemplate throwing out a few child and pet toys that don’t get used very often either. The more clutter in the yard, the harder it’s going to be to make the most use of it.

From here, work to clean down any surfaces with a broom, hose or a pressure washer and really get the outdoor space nice and tidy.

Trim and Prune the Gardens

Once you’ve taken care of the decluttering, move on to the greenery in the backyard.

As we’re sure you’ll agree, there is nothing more powerful when it comes to bringing a yard to life than having a nicely trimmed lawn and freshly pruned hedges and plants. It just makes the whole space look a lot better!

You could also work on pulling the plants that are overgrown or don’t suit your new aesthetic anymore, and work on getting your hands on some new plants from a local hardware store to plant in the backyard.

In all, be pedantic here as the more you prune and pull, the more space you’re going to have in the backyard for furniture and activities.

Brainstorm a New Use Case

Now that you have a nice and tidy backyard area, we ask that sit down and mull over some ideal use cases for your backyard that will help dictate the rest of the project.

We suggest thinking about whether you’re looking to use the space to work from home, or whether parties and hosting are more up your alley. With these things considered you’ll be better able to invest in furniture and design services that give your backyard a new touch that you’re going to love.

For example, the homeowners that would like to host parties, weatherproof furniture or and resin outdoor chairs from stores like Remarkable Furniture will mean you can set these pieces outside and not need to worry about damage over time.

Though the outdoor office DIYers will want to consider ergonomic seating and tables or chairs that work well to sit down on for hours on end.

In all, you will want to consider what your dream use case is for your backyard and use this to craft the space into something you’d get the most use out of.

Go All Out with Decor

Once you’ve worked on curating a new space that works well for your own unique use case, you can then move forward with little decor items and accessories.

As a tip, we would suggest moving forward with outdoor pillows, LED string lights, fans, pot plants and other small decor items that can really add the finishing touch to your new outdoor space.

With these accessories, you’ll be able to really seal the deal when it comes to completing the renovation of your outdoor space for the better. You will be able to rely on these items to transform the space and get it looking and feeling exactly how you’d like it to.

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