
How to Clean Patio Cushions in No Time | Simple Home Guide

It’s finally the time when you (really) need to clean the cushions of your patio furniture. This can happen simply because of natural phenomena like mold, mildew, tree sap, or bird droppings, and after you hold an outdoor party where food grease, popsicle drippings, BBQ sauce, or wine spills can be found.

Image by jessebridgewater from Pixabay

Cleaning your cushions is actually an easy job and you can do it all by yourself without any helps from a pro. You also need some simple tools and easily-available supplies to get the job done.

In this article, we share with you some steps that you can follow when you are planning on cleaning your patio cushions. You can get cushions looked like new again in no time!

Just keep scrolling to find out our tutorial on How to Clean Patio Cushions!

How to Clean Patio Cushions

Image by andyg from Pixabay

Prepare these tools:

  • Vacuum
  • Garden hose
  • Scrub brush
  • Bucket
  • Sponge
  • Towel

Prepare these supplies:

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Borax (optional)
  • Fabric protector

Follow these steps:

Wash or Vacuum the Cases

The first thing that you have to do is to remove the cases of the cushions. If possible, you just need to toss them into the washing machine. Before doing this, make sure that you have read the manufacturer’s instructions to see if the cases are machine washable or not.

For the pillowcases which can’t be unzipped, you can remove the dust and dirt using a vacuum cleaner. If the cushions come with tufted accents, make sure that you run the cleaner all over them.

Wash the cushions

Prepare a bucket of warm water and pour 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid. If you spot some mildew on your cushions, you can add a quarter cup of borax to the cleaning solution.

Use the sponge to wash the cushions by using the cleaning solution and let it work for about 15 minutes. Rinse the cushions by using clean water and a garden hose, keep in mind to hose them slowly so you won’t damage the fabric.

If you still see some stains on the cushions, reapply the cleaning solution and gently rub the stains with a scrub brush.

Dry up the cases

Once you are sure that the cushions are clean enough, use a towel to blot up the water. Let out your elbow grease so you can bolt up most of the water. Then, air dries the water completely.

Keep in mind to ensure that there’s no moisture left in and out the cushions to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. If necessary, use a blow dryer.

Protect the cushions

The last step to complete this cleaning tutorial is to apply a fabric protector. They are good to protect your cushions from some easy stains like colored beverages or dripping ice cream. The fabric protector can help to keep the cushions looking good and clean for the rest of the year.

(Read also: How to Clean Patio Slabs With Soapy Water and Bleach)

In addition to the tutorial on how to clean patio cushions above that is most suitable for removable cushions, below are some steps that you can follow if you have patio furniture with fixed cushions.

Cleaning Patio Furniture with Fixed Cushions

Though it can be more challenging to clean cushions that are permanently fixed to your pieces of outdoor furniture, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get the job done by yourself. Here’s what you can do:

  • Mix 1/4 cup of gentle soap and a gallon of lukewarm water.
  • Soak a soft bristle brush into the cleaning solution and clean the cushion in the direction of the weave.
  • Rinse the cushions by using warm water until the soap residue is completely removed.
  • Let the cushion dry.

The rule of thumb of cleaning your patio cushions is at least once or twice a year. However, maintaining the condition of the cushions is a necessary thing to do to keep them looking their best and reliable overtimes.

Below are some steps that you can follow to maintain the cushions of your beloved patio furniture.

How to Maintain Patio Cushions

Image by terimakasih0 from Pixabay

Cover your furniture

During the snowy and rainy seasons, you most likely leave those outdoor pieces of furniture and that’s the time when you need to get them covered. You can find tons of chic patio furniture covers that can withstand harsh weather conditions. It’s also a good solution when you are planning on leaving your house for a quite long period of time.

Clean the stains immediately

When you drop some BBQ sauce or spot some bird dropping, you have to remove them as soon as possible. It’s because the longer they sit on your patio’s cushions, the harder they will be to remove. Keep in mind that you need to treat your outdoor furniture just like the ones that stay inside.

Store the cushions

When the heavy rain is expected to come, store the cushions in a protected space or room. Don’t let those cushions get soaked in the water to avoid water damage.

If the cushions get soaked already, open the zipper and drain the water as much as possible. Let the cushions dry completely before you use them.

Clean the cushions properly

Cleaning the stains on the cushions of outdoor furniture needs to be done properly which means you need to rub or wipe them in the direction of the weave. You can’t rub the cushions in a circular motion to avoid further damage.

Treat the cushions

As mentioned above, treating your cushions with a fabric protector is a good idea to keep their looks clean all the time. Some cushions are even designed to be treated with such a supply on a regular basis.

Though outdoor pieces are furniture are built to last, when they are exposed to the outdoor environment, things can happen. It doesn’t mean that you can just leave them and you wish they can look adorable and feel comfortable. You still need to regularly maintain them and, luckily, you can do it all by yourself.

For sure, you can use our tutorial on How to Clean Patio Cushions ad your ultimate reference.

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