How to Create a Low Maintenance Garden

In the summer months, a lawn can be a great place to relax and get some fresh air. If you’re someone who enjoys spending time outside but isn’t a fan of the amount of time and energy that goes into maintaining a garden space, this is the blog for you!

Low Maintenance Garden
Photo by Marta Bibi on Unsplash

Not everyone has the time, energy, or even the motivation to spend hours and hours cultivating their garden to keep it presentable, or even to stop it from devolving into a full-on wilderness! We’ve got a few tips and tricks for you that can help make your lawn a bit less of a handful to manage. 

  • Add a Patio

Hate mowing your lawn? So do we! One way to get around moving your lawn is to replace it with patio space. Convert grass into a patio area and get a win-win situation; a great space for hosting barbeques without the stress of mowing, re-seeding, and watering!

While adding a patio might sound like a bit of a hassle for the immediate future, in the long run having a patio will save you lots of time and effort that would have been sent mowing and maintaining your lawn. Whether you choose to reduce your grassy space or replace it completely with a paving, adding a patio will definitely make your garden space a little easier to maintain.

If you’re looking for a low maintenance option for a patio or paving, we’d recommend using porcelain outdoor tiles. Porcelain is a great low maintenance paving option; its low porosity means it doesn’t need to be sealed like other wood options, and a quick soapy jet wash once a year will keep it clean as a whistle!

  • Use Low Maintenance Plants

Gardens tend to look a little bit naked without any plants at all, so if you want to keep your garden looking pretty but don’t want the hassle, go for low maintenance plants! Evergreen plants are famously low maintenance, or perhaps a nice oakleaf hydrangea. One benefit of oakleaf hydrangea is that it’s also almost impossible to kill, which is perhaps something you should also be taking into consideration when designing a low maintenance garden.

If you’ve not got much of a green thumb, it might be worth researching durable, drought resistant plants. That way, should you forget to water them every now and then during the summer months, you won’t have anything to worry about!

  • Embrace a Natural Look

A popular choice for garden borders, some like to pad out their gardens with a splash of colour by letting wildflowers grow along the edges of their garden. There numerous benefits of doing this, the most relevant being that wild flowers are just that; wild. They require minimum upkeep, and add a riot of colour and vividity to your garden. Another benefit of adding wildflower borders to your garden is that they attract butterflies and bees which encourages pollination and creates a great natural habitat for various wildlife.

All you have to do is plant a sachet of mixed wild flower seeds, then watch them bloom! Apart from some occasional trimming back if they become a little unruly and maybe some watering in a heat wave, they’ll pretty much take care of themselves. They look great, AND they take up space in your garden that you’d otherwise have to maintain!

  • Self-Watering Plant Pots

Sounding like a product almost too good to be true, self-watering plant pots are exactly what the name suggests; water plants independently! They use a HydroSystem to slowly feed the plants water through the roots which makes it a great option for low maintenance gardens, especially for windowsills or picnic tables. These self-watering plant points ensure that your plants get exactly the amount of water they need, and don’t go thirsty or drown.

  • Solar Powered Lighting

Solar powered lighting and garden accessories are a great way to add a little flare to your garden without having to worry about maintenance or upkeep. They charge themselves and keep your garden lit in the evenings, which is perfect for evening barbeques in the summer. They can also be pretty stylish, and used as a form of decoration in your garden as well as a practical addition.

  • Automatic Sprinkler

No time to water? No problem! The addition of an automatic sprinkler will take the responsibility of one of the most common garden maintenance chores off of your hands. An extra bonus is if you’re prone to forgetting, you can put it on a schedule so you don’t have to wonder “how long has it been since I last watered the plants?”. You can even go on holiday without having to worry about coming home to a dead garden!

And there we have it; six great ways you can keep your garden looking great, with minimal stress or effort to you! We hope this article has given you the inspiration you need to step out and fall in love with your garden again.

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