
How to Install a Hot Water Heater on a Wooden Wall?

Installing a water heater predetermines several factors ensuring the safety of the installation itself. One may install it on lightweight concrete, hand-formed bricks, batten, as well as the wooden wall which, in turn, requires much more carefulness. Let’s cover the SAFE tips on water heater installation, and observe the necessity of finding a contractor that may greatly assist you with it.


How to Replace a Water Heater? Preparation for Installation

First off, it is crucial to find the right place on your wooden wall for water heater installation, as there should be direct access to electricity and water supply communications. If a wooden wall is located straight in the plumbing room, you will save much more space. If not, estimate whether you can move freely where the water heater is to be installed. Finding a contractor means you will know the right place on the wall for the longevity of your unit.

Secondly, understand the strength of the wooden wall, preferably hang there any item of the same weight as your unit. When the approximate calculations are done, and everything seems smooth to start installing a water heater, collect required equipment including powder-actuated fastener, pneumatic hammer as well as electrical drill. Beyond that, your arsenal should possess wall hangers, and wall dowels.

Finally, the most important item for water heater connections is non-combustible material required per fire safety rules, so do not try to save money on it. Again, if finding a contractor, all these steps are easier to manage.

Installing a Water Heater: Step-by-Step Instruction

If finding a contractor is your Plan B, there is a standard clean-cut scheme to have your water heater hung on the wooden wall. It starts as follows:

  1. Decide on the non-combustible material, preferably to use steel shuttering panel which may perfectly protect you from fire;
  2. Make the wall dowel holes and insert filler plugs (such as made of epoxy resin or cement);
  3. Insert the screws into the holes, and leave them until the filler plugs dry or harden in full;
  4. Make the same holes in your non-combustible material and use the ruler, so that wooden wall holes and cement/epoxy resin coincide;
  5. Place the non-combustible material on the wall;
  6. When the filler plugs are ready, arrange a water heater right to the wall. Commonly, a water heater has a mounting plate with holes at the back, so match it with the parts prepared on the wall. Place screws into the wall holes, and screw it all up.

When these steps are done, proceed with water heater connections regarding electricity.

Connecting Water Heater to Electricity Safely

When finding a contractor, potential clients are usually informed of the variants of water heater connections with electricity. If you do it yourself, there are two existing options for electrical wiring: power supply from a socket, and breaker box.

Power supply from a socket fits only water heaters with the dump power of less than 3.5 kW. You may simply connect it by bringing the socket to the electrical network of your unit. Ensure the cable size is 2.5 mm2 minimum.

Power supply from a breaker box fits units with the dump power of more than 3.5 kW, accordingly, such units cannot be used with sockets, as they won’t withstand such a load. All you need to do is bring a cable to a water heater from the power supply board.

Remember that your unit should be connected to the electricity following the colors. It means yellow wire fits grounding connection, a blue one is for a neutral conductor, and brown is for life wire or else indicated as F. If your water heater has different indicators, it is harder to figure them out without finding a contractor.

Final Tips on Installing a Water Heater on a Wooden Wall

Once electricity connection and installation themselves are under control, you may enjoy using your new unit in the house. Nevertheless, there are a few more tips that may ensure your safety and convenience without finding a contractor.

  • Care about the quality of water in your house, otherwise, your unit may expire faster. By finding a contractor, you may be recommended the best prefilters;
  • Never use water pipes or gas pipes for grounding connection;
  • Always double-check the lifecycle of your wooden wall. See how the non-combustible material withstands the pressure to prevent any fire hazard.

Finally, if you want to feel completely safe that your unit will serve you long, finding a contractor may meet your requirements at least in the consultation form. You may do the full job on your own, however, you should consult professionals who may guide you through the whole process based on your purchased materials, wooden wall, or else prices and places where any equipment can be bought.

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