This work-from-home situation has created a new normal. If you used to spend most of your weekdays (or even weekends) at your office, now you have to get all of those jobs done in your home sweet home.
Of course, it forces you to spend hours and hours in front of your laptop which makes it necessary to create a cozy workspace in your home. Without a workspace that provides great comfort, work-from-home is nothing better than a bad day at an office.
When it comes to a workspace, the pieces of furniture are definitely the essential elements that you need to keep in mind. It’s very important for you to get the best chair and table that can support you while you hit those targets.
(Read also: How to Choose Table for Work From Home | Simple Home Guide)
In this article, we share with you a simple guide on how to turn kitchen into home workspace.
How to Turn Kitchen Into Home Workspace
Turning your kitchen may sound like an ‘ugly’ idea, but as a hub of a home, a kitchen can be anything you want it to be. It’s not just a space to cook and prepare your meals, but also a cozy spot to have joyful conversations, read some books, and of course, a nice workspace.
Use the Dining Table
Of course, the very first step is to use the dining table (or the island) as your office. If it looks slightly scattered, you may need to make it as neat as possible so it has enough space to be your working surface.
Gather Your Stuff
Use a container or a basket that is enough to put all of your work stuff together including your laptop, chargers, notebooks, phanes, and everything. It will ease you to set up your workspace quickly and clean the table up when the dinner is about to get served.
Consider Ergonomic Chairs
You may think that your dining chairs are cozy enough, well, yes they are but only for not more than an hour’s breakfast or diner. For a whole day sitting situation. You may need to buy an ergonomic chair that is specifically designed for work. They will make you feel comfortable sitting all day long.
Alternatively, if you’re not willing enough to buy a new chair, you can add some comforting items like cushions or back supports. They can make your dining chairs feel way more comfortable without spending a lot.
Protect the Table
Your dining table or kitchen island is definitely not designed for working situations. You might want to protect it by placing a desk pad on its surface. It can also create a sense of office zone around the table.
Decorate the Desk
Putting some decor items on top of your workspace table is surely a good way to enhance the attractiveness and comfort around. You can find tons of decor items that are specifically designed for workspace tables like framed quotes, potted plants, and cute lamps.