
Why You Should Use a Freestanding Bath Instead

Image: Pixabay

Besides their trendy visual appeal, the modern freestanding bath is increasing in popularity as more people become aware of the practical advantages. You may be in the process of constructing a house and researching your options, or you may already own a built-in bathtub and are thinking about making a switch. Either way, here are a few reasons why you should consider a freestanding bath in your house.

  1. Customisation

Freestanding baths come in all shapes, materials, sizes, colours, and designs. This is a great way to inject your personal style into your bathroom. The increased avenues for customisation allow you to select a bathtub shape that maximises your comfort. Oval-shaped tubs often provide better back and head support, while round bathtubs give a more spa-like vibe. You can even go as far as adding ornate moulding to the sides of the tub or customising the spouts and knobs to whatever shape and material you want.

  1. Layout versatility

Freestanding baths aren’t restricted in terms of placement, so you have more freedom when it comes to bathroom layout. You can arrange your tub at an angle or put it right in the middle of the bathroom to make it the focal point of the space. Some freestanding tubs are designed in ways that make them look like works of art, so having them immediately visible as soon as you open the door can really add an element of drama to your bathroom.

  1. Cheaper and faster installation or replacement

Built-in bathtubs, as the name suggests, are built into the walls and corner and caulked into place. For freestanding tubs, you can install it with the help of a plumber, which is cheaper than hiring a contractor to install built-in bathtubs. In case you grow tired of the design or wish to upgrade, replacement is also much easier.

  1. Less maintenance

Freestanding baths are easier to clean. You may think that there’s more exposed surface area for freestanding baths, so there’s a lot more you need to clean, but in a built-in bathtub, you also need to clean the surrounding tiles, grout, and glass. Some materials for freestanding baths are low maintenance and boast easy cleaning properties.

  1. Illusion of space

Having a freestanding tub exposes more of the flooring compared to built-in tubs, making the room look bigger. Some freestanding tubs also have feet that lift the tub off the floor, adding to this effect.

The resurgence of classicism in interior design means that luxurious home elements are back in fashion, and nothing says luxury more than a sleek freestanding bathtub strategically arranged atop a chenille rug with statement ceiling lights hovering overhead. If you ever choose to go for a freestanding tub, try not to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices available. Make sure your choice doesn’t end up clashing with pre-existing elements in your bathroom. In the end, you’ll find freestanding tubs are a better choice overall for elevating your bathroom and prioritizing your comfort.

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