Categories: Swimming Pool

Things to Know About Natural Swimming Pool | Definition, DIY, Pros and Cons

Nowadays, many people desire to get something natural for everything in their life. This allows them to lead in doing anything related to naturalness. As well as for the swimming pool, people are not depended on the common pool but today they glance to a natural swimming pool. So, what is exactly natural swimming pool?

As you know, natural means something that happens naturally not involving people in it. Therefore, natural swimming pool comes to bring eco-friendly pool for our life. The pool does not contain the chemical or danger substance which can make your skin itchy, flushed skin, ringworm or others skin diseases. That is the reason why the people prefer the natural thing for their life, automatically, they avoid possibilities occur for their health.


1.What is Natural Swimming Pool?


Credit: Niftyhomestead


To answer the question, certainly, it does not need something hard for finding the answer. The public has known which is related to the natural. As well as the natural swimming pool. It means a swimming pool with naturally working. Furthermore, the system is different from the common swimming pool such as constructing body of water, chemical system, sanitizer, and others system. The natural swimming pool uses the biological filter and plant root on the edge of the pool. It purposes to purify the water, chemical, or danger substance that can give the poison and health threat for the swimmers. Actually, the natural swimming pool does not need free chemical substance to make the water pure. Based on the name of natural, of course, it uses the natural things in keeping the water.


2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Swimming Pool


Certainly, everything has the pros and cons in usage and performance. Likewise, for the natural swimming pool, it has the advantages and disadvantages when you are using it. If you are planning to build the natural swimming pool, hopefully, it can be your reference before you build it. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of a natural swimming pool.


The advantages

  1. The natural swimming pool is very adaptable where you can use the concrete, gravels, or mud at the bottom of the pool. It also helps you to spend the low budget. For more interesting, you can complete the pool with the boulders and the rocks to get exactly natural looks.
  1. The natural pool is well-knowns as eco-friendly without polluting the environment. Unlike the common pool that can allow the chemical which can damage the environment eventually.
  1. Low costs actually can you get when you have the natural swimming pool. Furthermore, the natural pool does not need continuous maintenance to balance the water such as PH balancing, chemical filtration, chlorine and any others causes. Actually, the natural pool can keep the water balancing by itself.
  1. It is flexible in all season. You can use it during the winter, especially in the winter. The pool can be freeze over like a pond in nature.


  1. Higher investment for constructing the pool is actually can you get. Indeed, the cost of maintenance is low but for building the natural pool, it certainly needs the high cost for contractor, builder, property even the big tools such as a bulldozer, boulders, and others. Because the natural pool can balance the water by itself, so the construction also has to do well for the bottom as the base.
  2. The natural pool can not serve the sparkling blue water like the traditional or common pool. Because it is completed by the presence of algae which can make the water brownish, so you can get the perfectly clear and blue water.
  3. The zone also must large and sufficient for building the natural pool. You can not build the natural pool like a small pond, right? Actually, you need the large space to build the pool. Furthermore, you not only build just a pool, but you’re going to design the edge of the pool as natural as possible with planting the lotus, plant-rooted or placing the rocks around the pool. So, it needs a large space, doesn’t it?


3. How to Build Natural Swimming Pool



Certainly, to build the natural swimming pool is an easy way which can you do by yourself and your family on the weekend.

The material you need:

  1. Cement
  2. Gravel
  3. Sand
  4. Fittings
  5. Liquid glass
  6. Clay
  7. Boards for bars and formwork

The tools:

  1. Hammer
  2. Hacksaws
  3. Shovel
  4. Pliers
  5. Plumb
  6. Level
  7. Bulgarian
  8. Hoe

We also share the tutorial video from PondTV about DIY: building a natural swimming pool at home.



DIY: How to Build the Natural Swimming Pool

1.The First Stage: The Sizing, Excavation, and Fortification

  1. The first step that can you do is preparing the space such as in the backyard or garden to build the natural pool.
  2. Marking and sizing the area based on the size that you want.
  3. Remove the grass, and turf using the hoe and dig a pit to line up the wall.
  4. Then, cover the pit edge with the boards for walking. You can use the wheel to size the pit dimensions and cut the valve rods based on your desired size.
  5. After you install the valve, continued run to the horizontal piping. For the bottom, stack the pipes and armatures. Then, arrange the system of pipes based on the water recovery plan and sewerage.


2. The Second Stage: Lining the Pool Bottom

  1. The first step in coating the bottom, you should prepare the cement, sand, water, and grout to make the concrete base pad.
  2. After the material is ready. Stir all material using the water in the mixer or manually. For getting the best result, you have to know the proportions to make concrete. You can combine 3 parts sand, 1 part cement, 4 parts gravel and water sufficiently.
  3. Then, pour the resulting concrete on the bottom pit as the base pool. You can wait for it as least 12-14 hours to get dry.
  4. Important to know, create the small slope in order to make the water moves toward one place. so, it is possible to stream the water through the pump.


3. The Third Stage: Making panels for Formwork

  1. After the concrete is dry, continue the step to make the panels for formwork. Beginning with cutting the boards to adjust the size.
  2. Then, installing the board in the pit and you must give space between the formwork and walls at least 5 inches.
  3. The last step, nail the panels of planks and cut boards to binding together.


4. The Fourth Stage: Coating the Walls with the concrete

  1. This step is to coat the wall using the concrete. Make sure that the concrete is ready to pour.
  2. Then, setting the shuttering board inside and tied them each other.
  3. Preparing the grout solution with the same proportions for concrete screed at the trench bottom.
  4. Put down the concrete about 6-8″ layers and solid for each layer.
  5. The last step in this stage, wait for the concrete until dry. Then, smooth the wall to get the best finishing.


5. The Last Stage: Finishing the Pools

  1. After you have finished installing all of the pool equipment. Now, we start to design the swimming pool to get the natural looks.
  2. Then, you can put the rock on the side of the pool randomly. Using the small or big rocks can add the pool like a pond in the wild.
  3. Furthermore, planting the flower, grass, lotus, and rooted planted is a great idea to make the pool more natural.
  4. The last step in this stage, flow the swimming pool with the water.
  5. Finally, you can get enjoying the swimming in the natural swimming pool every day or every time you want.
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