
21 Crucial Tactics For Residential Home Exterior Painting

Most homeowners looking to improve the exterior appearance of their homes have a lot of options. One popular choice is painting the home’s exterior for a classic look with a new roof. However, before starting this project, there are some things that homeowners should keep in mind for a home’s curb appeal. Here, we will discuss 19 crucial tactics for residential exterior house painting.

Preparation Is Key

One of the most important things to do when painting the exterior of your home is to prepare the surface. This means taking the time to repair any cracks or holes and properly cleaning the built-up dirt surface with power washing before painting. If you don’t take the time to prepare the surface, your paint job will not look its best. Power wash the window boxes, garage door, front door, and front porch swing with a pressure washer.

Use The Correct Tools

To get the best results, you need to use the correct tools. This includes using a ladder to reach high areas and a paintbrush or roller specifically designed for exterior use. With the correct tools, your paint job will look professional.

Use A Ladder To Reach High Areas

When painting the exterior of your home, be sure to use a ladder to reach any high areas. This will help to avoid any accidents. Be sure to set the ladder up on a level surface and use caution when climbing.

Use Painters Tape

When painting the exterior of your home, be sure to use painter’s tape. This will help to ensure clean lines and prevent paint from getting where it shouldn’t. This is especially important when painting around windows and doors.

Choose The Right Paint

Not all paints are created equal. When painting the exterior of your home, you need to choose a paint that is specifically designed for exterior use. This paint is made to withstand the elements and will hold up better over time. The best paints for exterior painting are usually latex-based with bold colors.

While it may be tempting to save money by buying cheap paint, this is not a good idea. Cheap paint will not last as long and will not look as good as high-quality paint. It is better to invest in high-quality paint so that your paint job will last for years.

Choose The Right Colors

Picking the right colors for your home’s exterior is essential to boost curb appeal. You want to choose bold colors that compliment your home’s style and that you will be happy with for years to come. You can choose the exterior colors including the trim and the accent colors. You can also consult with a professional painter to get some color ideas.

Use Light Colors On South-Facing Walls

To help keep your home cooler in the summer, you can use light colors on south-facing walls. This will help to reflect the heat and keep your home cooler. There are also special paints that are made to reflect the heat.

Test The Paint

Before painting the entire exterior of your home, it is a good idea to test the paint on a small section first. This will allow you to see how the color looks in different lighting conditions and make sure that you are happy with it.

Follow The Label

When using paint, it is important to follow the label. The label will give you important information such as the drying time and how many coats you should apply. Following the label will help to ensure that your paint job looks its best.

Paint The Trim First

If you are painting the exterior of your home, it is a good idea to start with the trim. This will help to ensure that the edges are neat and that there is a consistent color throughout. You can use a brush or a roller for applying a fresh coat of paint.

Paint Shutters And Doors

If you are going to paint the shutters and doors a different color than the house itself, be sure to paint the front door first. This will help to ensure that the front door or garage doors are a consistent color. You can use a brush or a roller for the new door paint job.

Work From Top To Bottom

When painting the exterior of your home, be sure to work from top to bottom. This will help to avoid any paint drips. Start at the eaves and work your way down. Be sure to use a drop cloth to catch any drips.

Apply The Paint In Even Strokes

Once you have the paint, it is time to start painting. Be sure to apply the paint in even strokes and go with the grain of the wood. This will help to ensure a smooth finish. While painting, be sure to watch for drips and runs.

Let The Paint Dry Completely

After you have finished painting, it is important to let the paint dry completely before adding any type of sealant or topcoat. This can take up to 24 hours, so be patient. Once the paint is dry, you can add a sealant to protect it from the elements.

Follow The Instructions To Avoid Problems

When painting the exterior of your home, be sure to follow the instructions on the paint can. This will help to avoid any problems that could occur. For example, some paints need to be thinned before use. If you do not follow the instructions, you could end up with a bad paint job.

Paint On A Cool, Dry Day

To get the best results, paint on a cool, dry day. This will help to prevent the paint from drying too quickly and becoming difficult to work with. If it is too hot or humid, it is best to wait for another day.

Take Your Time

One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make when painting the exterior of their homes is rushing. This usually leads to sloppy results. Be sure to take your time and do a good job. It will be worth it in the end.

Keep Your Work Area Clean

Painting can be a messy job. Be sure to keep your work area clean and free of debris. This will help to prevent accidental spills and stains. For cleaning up, you can use a damp cloth or a vacuum with a brush attachment. Take out the leaves and wastage or pull weeds from your lawn.

Wash Your Brushes

After you have finished painting, be sure to wash your brushes. This will prevent the paint from drying on the bristles and make them difficult to use in the future. You can wash them with soap and water or with a brush cleaner.

Take Care Not To Damage Landscaping

When painting the exterior of your home, be careful not to damage any landscaping. This includes avoiding paint drips on plants and seasonal flowers. If you do accidentally damage some landscaping like your white picket fence, be sure to clean it up immediately.

Hire A Professional Painter

If you are not confident in your ability to paint the exterior of your home styles, you can always hire a professional painter. Professional painters have the experience and the knowledge to get the job done right. They will also be able to advise you on the best type of paint to use and the best colors for your home.

Final Thoughts

Painting the exterior of your home can be a big job, but it is one that you can do yourself if you are prepared. Be sure to follow these tips to get the best results. And, if you are not confident in your ability to do the job, don’t hesitate to hire a professional painter.

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