
7 Tips For Designing Your Workspace For Super Productivity

Whether working from home or office, you know how critical your work environment is to be productive. You can easily be distracted by noise, cluttered things, or even an uncomfortable chair. If you are a student, staying focused while working on a project or a writing task is challenging. But it is much more difficult if you do not have a conducive workspace.

Even if you try so hard, you will constantly find things to distract you, leading to a longer working time. It can also result in poor-quality outputs that can affect your academic performance. You can always rely on custom writing companies, like Essay Kitchen, to help you with your academic requirements. But sometimes, there are things that only you can do. Therefore, you must have a space and routine that can boost your productivity and not encourage procrastination. In this article, you will learn some home productivity tips that you can practice every time you work or study.

Set Your Workspace For Productivity

Not everyone has a spacious area in their home to set up a workspace. However, this does not mean that you cannot work around what you already have. If you are looking for the best place in your house, you can dedicate a space close to a window. This way, you will not feel stuffed while working. This setup also allows you to look at your surroundings, especially if you are around plants. But if you do not have this kind of space, you can settle with a clean, spacious, and quiet one. Make sure that it is enough for your table and chair and for you to move around. Moreover, it would be best to paint your area with a calming color that promotes super productivity.

Time-Box Your Day For Efficiency

If you want to make the most out of your day, it would be best to plan it. Decide how long it will take you to finish your tasks and better stick to them. Doing this conditions your mind to achieve your goals for the day. Also, giving yourself some boundaries or limits to working on a task spares you from the stress of prolonged work. Think about this. If you finish your project early, you have the rest of your day to do what you like without anything holding you back. Otherwise, you will feel constant anxiety that you have not achieved your goals yet. Furthermore, you will not lose your concentration and creativity, which increases the quality of your work.

Keep Your Distractions Handy

Sometimes, you cannot help but feel stressed or tired from doing tasks for a long time. Whenever you feel this way, it would be best to look for some objects or activities that can help you reduce your stress levels. You can read a book, play some mini-games, or eat some snacks. Use them once in a while or when you take your breaks to reward yourself. However, you should put them away from your workspace for writing for you to be not easily distracted. Keep them where you can find them but not so close that you will choose them over your task.

Schedule Study Breaks

As mentioned above, you will also need study breaks from time to time. Some people may find studying or working continuously not effective because it drains their energy. As a result, they cannot be as productive as they hope. Therefore, it would also help to schedule your study breaks based on which one works for you.

One popular time-management method is called The Pomodoro Technique, which Italian Francesco Cirillo invented. It is becoming popular these days because of how simple it is. To get started, you should choose one activity or task you want to finish. Then, set a time for 25 to 30 minutes and work as intended. As soon as the alarm rings, you can take a break strictly for 3 to 5 minutes. After four complete pomodoros, you can take a thirty-minute break or nap, if needed. Then, repeat the process until you accomplish your task. If you do not find this practical, you can still look for other methods that would work for you.

Get Comfortable

Working for long hours can be physically exhausting, too. If you do not set up your workspace according to ergonomic requirements, you will not be at your best. You will always feel uncomfortable and distracted because of body pains, eye strain, and other factors. You can learn how to improve home office by reading some articles or watching videos of professionals teaching ergonomics. They give specific instructions on setting up your chair, keyboard, monitor, and other office equipment. These will help you feel relaxed while working and avoid the physical effects of work and stress.

But no matter how perfect your workstation setup is, you must still take breaks. During that time, you can do some stretching, drink water, or eat your snacks. This way, you can take care of your mental and physical health by not developing a sedentary lifestyle.

Integrate Simple Tools

Nowadays, you can see many recommendations from other people regarding productivity techniques or tools that work for them. They show videos of their recent purchases that seem to improve their workspaces for students. Or, they encourage you to download some apps that help you concentrate. However, you do not need all of these things to be productive. You only need those that are effective in your routines and lifestyle. If you think the app will be beneficial for your studying or writing, then download it. Otherwise, it would be best to delete it. But if you have to make a purchase, try to look for alternatives around your house. Remember that sometimes simple is the best.

Work with Purpose

It is not easy to keep doing something without a specific purpose. Whether to finish the entire task or just take the first step, you must identify what you need to do. Before doing anything else, you must reflect on why you need to do your tasks. If not, you will keep on questioning your motivation, which can falter later on. Therefore, it would be best to write down your goals on paper and place them somewhere close to you. Once you accomplish your to-do lists, cross them out to know what you have finished. Afterward, do not forget to reward yourself for achieving your daily objectives.

In conclusion, productivity is an essential part of studying or working. Without it, you will not perform at your best, thus not producing the best outputs. However, you can improve your workspace and routines to optimize your productivity. You can look for a suitable place in your home or office, get comfortable equipment, and integrate simple tools. Moreover, you can schedule your tasks and study breaks, keep your distractions handy, and work with purpose. By doing these, you can reduce procrastination and increase focus instead.

Author of the article:

Joel Donnelly is a senior learning specialist at EssayKitchen. He develops a strategy for creating and realizing learning initiatives for domestic and foreign students. He searches for highly educated professionals in our content department for the position of junior learning specialist. Joel was born in Brookhaven town and still works there. He enjoys traveling around the world and came back from Portugal recently. Joel has 2 lovely dogs and goes to the mountains with dogs every month. Joel cares about the environment and tries to take care of his town. More about Joel’s achievements can find on social accounts: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

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