
Best Ways to Clean Bathroom Tiles | DIY, Tips, and Best Tiles Cleaners

Do you have the dirty and grout tiles in your bathroom? Do you have problems in cleaning the grout? Does cleaning the tile becomes a tricky thing for you? If you think so, it is time to open your mind that cleaning the bathroom tiles is not a something difficult for you.

However, cleaning the bathroom tiles seem a bit discouraging at first. Meanwhile, cleaning the bathroom space becomes your own pride when you successfully execute it. Certainly, you can gain something you’ve never gotten before.

Therefore, cleaning the bathroom tiles needs a special method that totally helps you to get your goal. It is also required to use recommended products to support the easy and effective process. Nevertheless, the bathroom tile is a proven place to provide the grout and mildew growth.

To make good in cleaning the tiles, you have to do the right ways and steps in sustaining the process. Well, we are willingly share you the best ways to clean bathroom tiles. Let’s prepare the tools and steps that you must take!!!

The Best Ways to Clean Bathroom Tiles

Credit: HGTV

Cleaning the bathroom tiles must not be done by the workman but you also can get it by yourself. Do-it-yourself bathroom cleaning becomes a popular thing today. How come? Most people have started thinking that cleaning the rooms in their house have to get the result as great as possible. Therefore, we should the bathroom cleaning process well.

The Tools You May Need

  1. Cleaner (Homemade or Market Products)
  2. Rubber Gloves
  3. Mask
  4. Old Toothbrush
  5. Microfiber Cloth
  6. Brush

The Ways You Can Do

Generally, cleaning the bathroom tiles consist of several key steps, they are;

  1. Make sure your bathroom has well-ventilated to reduce a strong cleaner taste.
  2. Prepare some tools you absolutely need including the masks, rubber gloves, and selected cleaner.
  3. Put on the rubber gloves and apply the mask.
  4. Turn the shower at a high temperature to open the tiles pores.
  5. Before you apply the tile cleaner, it is better to use it on a small area to determine there’s no any damage.
  6. Then, use the bathroom tiles cleaner by spraying or pouring it on the tiles. Leave it on for one hour.
  7. After that, scrub the tile using an old toothbrush. It requires using a damp microfiber cloth to remove the dirt and rust easily.

Finally, you can obtain the clean and fresh bathroom tiles that enhance your bathroom look healthy. Furthermore, there are some greater ways that all over you can do step-by-step to get the best goal.

Steam Your Bathroom

Credit: Bike Detroit

The first recommended way, steaming the bathroom tile using a cleaner becomes an important step you have to do. However, the tiles deliver a different surface than the other room tiles. Certainly, the bathroom tiles produce the wet surface that enables the mildew and grout to grow out on it. By heating the tiles using a stream cleaner, it absolutely can open the pores to release the tight dirt. What you have to do is use the streamer to the tiles surface and suddenly the dirt arise on the tiles.

Pouring the Homemade Liquid Cleaner

Credit: Mineral Tiles

The best way to get the good cleaning result is pouring the liquid cleaner for tiles. Furthermore, the liquid does not need to use the fabricated products but you can take your own cleaner by making it yourself. Just mixing the vinegar and baking soda in the water, you totally ease in cleaning the dirt on the tiles surface. Fill the mixture in an empty spray bottle and apply it to the tiles.

In any case, the vinegar roles as a degreaser, while the baking soda polishes the tiles surface and soaks away the unwanted odors. However, the dirt and mildew tiles give a bad smell that disturbs you in doing the activities in the bathroom.

(Read Also DIY: How To Clean Bathroom Sink Drain and Stopper with Vinegar and Baking Soda)

For the best result, you can entirely leave the tiles after spraying the liquid for a minute. Then, wiping it out using a damp microfiber cloth. Actually. a microfiber cloth is the best tool that you can use in cleaning the bathroom tiles or floor. It can totally remove the high dirt by its hard cloth texture without straining your fingers.

Moreover, there is a more powerful homemade concoction cleaner involving the bicarbonate of soda and a paste of bleach. The bleach works as a disinfectant to whiten the tiles back to the original pitch. If you are eager to use the bleach, you have to work it carefully by using the mask and gloves. Then, before wiping it, leave it on for an hour after applying the mixture.

Cleaning the Tiles Using the Cleaner Products

Credit: Home Comfort Goodness

If you do not feel enough in cleaning the bathroom using homemade cleaner, you can completely use the cleaner products in your local market. In fact, the most people prefer to buy the cleaner available in the market than making the homemade one.

Of course, there are hundreds of cleaner product that you can choose in the market. To get the best result, make sure that you follow the right instructions included in the package. Someway, cleaning using a right product will produce the best result too with easy and quick steps.

To ensure you choose the right products, we also give you some recommended cleaners sold in some trusted marketplace.

The Recommended Tiles Cleaners

Method Natural Bathroom Tiles Cleaner

Credit: Amazon

One of the greatest tile cleaners of our list, it delivers a natural eucalyptus mint taste. With Powergreen technology, the cleaner extremely helps remove the mildew and mold on the tiles surface. Scrubbing the tiles after spraying this cleaner to reach a sparkling clean. To order this product, you actually can visit with the price offered at $9.34.

Zep Commercial Shower, Tub, and Tile Cleaner

Credit: Overstock

This cleaner effectively removes the mildew and mold appear on the tiles surface. The product is ready to use, just spraying it into the tiles and scrubbing it using the damp cloth, the sparkling tiles will suddenly come. You should spend your money for 23.09 to get this great cleaner.

Gel-Gloss Shower and Bathtub Cleaner

Credit: Lowes

Keep your bathroom tiles stay clean with this Gel-Gloss cleaner. It absolutely protects the tiles, acrylic, and fiberglass with the one-step process. The recommended product is offered at $6.98, that is such reasonable price, right?

Better Life Naturally Scum-Slamming Tub and Tile Cleaner

Credit: Target

Coming with natural liquid taste, the cleaner determines to drive the soap scum, rust, and mildew on the tiles away. Just spraying it on the tiles and wipe it using a damp cloth, it all over gives the sparkling clean tiles. If you are eager to have this product, you should pay at $4.99.

Kaboom Shower Tub and Tile Cleaner

Credit: Walmart

This cleaner is equipped with the Power of OxiClean stain fighters that effectively soak away the hard water and soap scum. It allows you to get easy tiles cleaning with no hard scrubbing. The Kaboom offers the price at $3.48 available at Walmart.

Well, those are some suggested best ways to clean bathroom tiles. So, it is your turn to buy one which is considered the superior product. Make sure that you use it carefully. Those are total to give you the best ways to clean bathroom tiles. In any case, the cleaners contain the harmful material that can destroy the tile substance. Therefore, the good preparation is needed deeply for cleaning the tiles in the bathroom. Do not wait the time anymore to keep the bathroom clean and healthy. Do-it-Now!!!

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