
Common Signs of a Clogged Drain You Should Know

Slow draining pipes, unpleasant smell, or bubbling noises: all these symptoms point to something common. Blocked drains are common in every household, and you need to have a proper mechanism ready to get rid of the mess.

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In case your DIY tactics prove futile, you would definitely call in a plumber. However, how can you be so sure that you have a blockage in your drain? It’s won’t be logical to wait for the scum to show up, or the slow movement of water to come to an absolute halt.

In this post, you will get some warning signs of a clogged drain. In case you notice any of these symptoms in your plumbing system, don’t hesitate to call in a professional plumbers Sydney.

7 signs indicating a blocked drain

Here are some of the common signs of a blocked kitchen or bathroom drain.

  1. You might hear or see your plumping pipes bubbling
  2. Water accumulates in your bathtub, sink, commode, or shower
  3. You notice water leakages from under the toilet
  4. You have slow-moving water through your drains
  5. Unpleasant odour in your pipes have been bothering you
  6. Water puddles accumulate around your shower, bathtub, toilet, or sink
  7. You find debris leaking from fixtures

Apart from these symptoms, you may find other indicators of a blocked drain. 

  1. Water pressure changes

If you notice any change in water pressure or its flow, it indicates a clogged pipe. In most cases, broken or cracked pipes lead to these changes. Alternatively, you may have stubborn clogs in the pipes, which eventually hinders the flow of water.

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Besides, this may affect a few faucets, or all the fixtures in your home simultaneously. This largely depends on the location and severity of the blockage.

  1. Debris showing up in fixtures

At times, you may notice grime coming out of the fixtures like taps when you turn them on. This clearly indicates a clog, that you need to remove.

In case you notice the debris coming out of your drains or toilet, it points to poor habits regarding waste disposal. Make sure not to dispose off toilet paper, tissues, or sanitary pads in your toilet drain. The following materials, when thrown down your drain, may lead to tough clogs.

  • Paper
  • Grease
  • Animal bones
  • Cooking oils
  • Fruit and vegetable skin
  • Stringy and fibrous food
  1. Slow drainage

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Sometimes, you might notice that the outlets connecting your shower, sink, toilet, or bathtub drain out slowly. This happens due to the deposits of soap scum, debris, and body hair in the drains. Unless you keep your drain clean regularly, you will continue experiencing this type of plumbing issue. In case you have slow-running drains, you may try using the plunger or drain auger to remove the blockage.

  1. Unpleasant odours

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Clogged drains fail to channelize the wastes to the main sewer. As these waste materials get trapped, they emit a foul smell. Even when the blockage is not visible, you can sense the clog. It’s only a matter of few days that the flow of water through your drains would be hindered.

Homeowners habitually seek plumbing service at the first sight of any of these symptoms. Given that plumbing issues can be messy with overflowing toilets, it’s best left to the professionals. With a local plumber with a demonstrated track record at your assistance, you can fix blocked drains in quick time.

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