
Discover The Must-Haves For Millennial Home Buyers

Buying your own home is always an exciting proposition. The first step on the property ladder is always difficult due to the limited property available and the high prices. That is why many millennials are becoming increasingly choosy about the home they wish to buy.

In short, they are looking for specific details before they are prepared to spend their money.

Smart Homes

Image by Pixaline from Pixabay

One of the most important things for young professionals looking to set up their first home is that it is a smart home. That means it has all the devices fitted to allow control through a hub and an internet connection. Millennials are constantly connected and like to be able to control everything in their home even when they are at work or on the other side of the planet.


All homes have floors but not all floors are created equal. Millennials are looking for something that stands out, is durable, and will still look good in five years or more. Hardwood remains a popular option as it is a great-looking floor. But, an increasing number of these house buyers are looking at epoxy floor coatings.

This is one of the most durable options on the market and can be created in a huge variety of colors, patterns, and designs. Epoxy flooring can create stunning 3D images, random patterns, and bold colors. This makes them the perfect way to make a statement and ensure that you have a home you are proud to show off.

Redesigned Kitchen and Bathroom

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Young buyers tend to have limited budgets and they spend most of their available resources just n getting the house. This doesn’t leave them a lot of money to undertake renovations. As the kitchen remains the heart of many homes and the bathroom is one of the best places to relax, it is important that they look good.

When you consider that most millennials won’t have the spare funds to renovate these rooms, because they are the most expensive rooms to renovate. That is why they are looking for houses where this has already been done and they can simply enjoy the space.

Open Plan

Open plan living is very popular and most buyers prefer this type of house. Of course, if you are selling and your house isn’t already open plan there is little you can do to change that!

Open plan works for entertaining as it keeps everyone involved. It can also make a small home feel more spacious. That makes it worth considering if you are currently remodeling.

Office Space

Image by Luis Ricardo Rivera from Pixabay

Millennials are increasingly choosing to work from home. This means they need space to work and makes them more attracted to houses that have offices where they can connect to work. Having an office also allows them to shut the door and disconnect, which is just as important.


Finally, young buyers are generally more aware of locations. They want somewhere with a good school and walking distance to facilities. If your property fits the bill it will be easier to sell!

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