
Eco-Friendly Homes: Sustainable Changes You Need to Know About

The biggest sources of pollution are plastic, and CO2 emissions, and how we choose to use these has a detrimental effect on the environment. Whilst kitting your home out with the latest solar panels might not be within everyone’s reach, there are some smaller, inexpensive changes people can make, starting in our homes. Working towards turning your home into a more eco-friendly space can lead to a better quality of life for you and your family and have a positive effect on the planet.

Whether you’re considering buying a new house or looking to make some eco-conscious renovations to your current home, we have some sustainable changes that you can start implementing today. Keep reading to find out more.

Upcycle instead of buying new

If you need to replace furniture, try to refrain from buying new. Encourage the family to get involved with DIY projects to design, build, and decorate their own unique furniture items. There are many guides and videos available online to help you through the process when it comes to upcycling household pieces. Have fun with it and learn some new skills along the way.

Switch out your light bulbs for LED ones

Using LED bulbs, you’ll use less electricity, which will make your home more eco-friendly and save you money on energy bills. This small switch can have a significant impact, and these bulbs will last a lot longer, so you won’t have to replace them as often. You could one step further if you have the budget and look to install eco-lighting systems. These are designed to reduce the amount of electricity that we waste when leaving lights on. The system can detect movement and will automatically switch off light sources when the room is empty. Eco-lighting is becoming increasingly popular, and many property investment companies like RWinvest are promoting modern developments with these systems already fitted. Something to think about if you’re looking to move home or make an investment of your own.

Use a smart thermostat

 When it comes to going green, you can stay as simple or go as technical as you like. Installing a smart thermostat is a great way to bring your home up to speed with the latest technology while protecting the environment and reducing household bills. Programmable thermostats will monitor your heating and air-conditioning systems and switch off the system when it is not needed. Many smart home systems can be installed, from increasing your energy-efficiency to improving your home security.


Something that many people overlook is recycling the things we throw away. Becoming more eco-conscious starts with a recycling bin which will automatically make you think about what you’re disposing of. Recycling glass, plastic, paper and cardboard takes a few seconds and can have the biggest impact on making your home a more sustainable one. If you’re someone who already recycles material things, why not utilise your food waste as well? A compost bin will provide a place for leftovers that can be used in the garden for your plants. Not only will you save money on fertiliser, but you’ll reduce your household waste too. Alternatively, you could work towards only buying the food that you need and minimising the amount of food that you waste. Meal prepping is a fantastic way to ensure you cook and eat everything you buy before the sell-by date.

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