
Eco-Friendly Methods for Renovating Your Home

If you’re going to be investing in your property, then it makes sense to look for improvements that will reduce your impact on the natural world. Carbon-cutting measures, as well as being ethically desirable, will tend to decrease the amount your spent on your home. Thus, in the long-run, they tend to pay for themselves.

Eco-Friendly Methods For Renovating Your Home

Let’s look at a few effective means of making your home that little bit greener.

Using energy-efficient appliances

When it comes to your energy expenditure, a handful of appliances will use up the majority of your budget. These include your fridge, freezer, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher and boiler. If you’re considering switching to a different appliance, then you might look into the energy rating. You’ll find this on the appliance’s energy certificate – it’s a lettered rating system, where A is the best.

Consider alternative heating

Your boiler tends to use the most energy out of any appliance – even when you consider the fact that it’s only running at certain times of year. Making the switch to a modern combi boiler might therefore save you considerably in the long-run.

The majority of modern boilers are condensing ones. These can be powered either through gas or oil, and they tend to be low-maintenance. The only downside of a combination boiler is that, since you don’t have a hot water tank, you’ll have to wait a little bit for your water to come to temperature when you turn the hot tap on.

Using low VOC paint

If you’re going to be repainting your walls, then you might be tempted to go for the cheapest paint available. Looking for low-VOC (that’s volatile organic compound) paint will reduce your impact on the environment when you come to dispose of the excess, or rinse your brushes in the sink.

A VOC is a solvent which will quickly evaporate, contributing (albeit slightly) to the greenhouse gas buildup in the atmosphere. Making the switch to a more eco-friendly alternative will help your home to be that little bit greener – especially if you make the switch in every room you’re redecorating.

Solar Panels

Installing solar panels in your roof will help you to slash your energy bills, and increase the value of your home. Solar panels do impose an environmental burden when they’re manufacturerd – but bear in mind that modern solar panels have gotten a lot more efficient in recent years, meaning that you’ll pay this back more quickly.

Images by Depositphotos

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