
How Wildlife can Damage your Roof (Squirrels)

Photo by James Frid from Pexels

Squirrels and other wildlife looking for a way into the attic will do a serious amount of damage to the roof. Like trees, attics provide these animals with an opportunity to nest above ground. They can sense that the interior is warm and safe from predators. To get inside, animals will rip and tear their way through the roof, then cause further damage inside. If you are concerned about the squirrels in your neighbourhood, or if you need some animals removed from your property, reach out to a squirrel removal company in Toronto.

  • Structural Damage

Squirrels are troublesome little creatures that can chew through practically anything. As rodents, they can gnaw their way through wood, plastic, rubber, and aluminum. Roof vents, wall vents, shingles, and drip edges are no match for a squirrel’s teeth. Signs of chewing and tearing on the roof point to a squirrel invasion. Raccoons are also known to damage the roof by tearing roof vents off and pushing holes into the soffits. Any weakness on the roof will be exploited by wildlife hoping to nest indoors.

  • Attic Damage

The damages that animals cause to the roof also damage the attic inside. Once a squirrel or raccoon has made holes in the roof, the attic is exposed to the elements. The interior then becomes damaged with rain and snow, causing mold and rot. Damaged insulation will need to be replaced. Squirrels nesting in the interior are also known to chew on electrical wires, risking power outages and fire.

  • Feces and Urine

Animals that have reached the attic will contaminate the insulation with feces and urine. This is a health hazard that not only smells terrible but that will attract more pests to the attic. Squirrels that are nesting indoors may attract raccoons, mice, and insects. Over time, the waste will accumulate and risk damaging the ceiling below. Animal waste may contain harmful germs and parasites that could make you or your loved ones very sick.

The best way to prevent damage to the roof is to make your property less attractive to wildlife. Start by removing bird feeders and other sources of food from the yard. If you have a vegetable garden, keep your plants out of reach with mesh row covers. Harvest your fruits and vegetables as soon as they ripen and never leave any food on the ground. Pull weeds and mow the lawn on a regular basis. Then, trim tree branches a few feet away from the roof so that it is less accessible. Examine your roof closely to see if it needs repairs.

Consider hiring a wildlife removal company to pest-proof your roof for you. A professional will inspect your property for weak spots and entry points, then seal them off with impenetrable materials like mesh or caulking. Urban wildlife can cause a serious amount of damage to the roof and attic, so it is important that you keep your property safe. See for more information on wildlife removal and proofing services.

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