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Mattress Maintenance Guide | How to Make it Last for Years

Mattress can be a huge investment, you don’t want to keep buying one every year, right? That being said, regular maintenance is definitely necessary to keep it in shape for years so it will look adorable and feel comfortable all the time.

Each mattress requires different treatments from the steps to the cleaning materials. You can’t really apply the same treatments for all types of beds since it may lead to further damage.

Keep in mind that the lifespan of your mattress depends on how you maintain it on regular basis. You can’t expect to have a cozy and chic bed if you don’t take care of it.

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In this article, we share with you a complete Mattress Maintenance Guide that you can do all by yourself without hassles.

Mattress Maintenance Guide

Provide good support

The first thing that you should keep in mind is to provide the right support for your mattress. A lot of homeowners don’t really take this consideration into account when actually, completing your mattress with a box spring or another foundation is really important. It can keep the sturdiness of the materials in a long run.

In general, you will need a box spring to support the spring mattress and firmer support for a memory foam mattress. However, you should always check the manufacturer’s instructions or the warranty policy to see the recommended types of support.

As time goes by, you might need to check the construction of your mattress support and whether it’s still in good condition or not.

Add mattress protectors

Of course, as the name suggests, they are designed to protect your mattress. Adding one to complete your mattress is definitely a great idea.

The good mattress protectors should be made of water-resistant materials so you don’t have to worry about spilling accidents. Besides liquid stuff, waterproof mattress protectors can also reduce dust, debris, and dirt buildups.

With this kind of protection, you’ll be sure that the materials of your mattress are safe from wear and tear. Moreover, they also reduce the risk of allergic reaction from mold and dust mites, so they also work to give maximum comfort for you over time.

Wash linens regularly

Your sweat, oils, hair, and skin cells are trapped on your bed linens on a daily basis. Not to mention, the food spills and pet mess may further litter the linens. Therefore, washing them regularly is definitely necessary.

It’s highly recommended to wash your bed sheets, at least, once every two weeks (every week is much better) as advised by the cleaning experts. The mattress protectors also need to get cleaned since they don’t work to protect your sheets from dirt.

Rotate your mattress

It may sound not really important but you will see that rotating your bed can preserve the shape of your mattress over the years. You can try to rotate your mattress 180 degrees from your head to your toes. You can try to do this in the first couple of years to keep the quality of the mattress.

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Cast the bugs away

They may be small, but they will ruin your mattress as they stuck around for a long time. This issue may happen when you leave your house for quite some time. Before sleeping right away, check whether there are signs of bugs’ invasion and solve the problem as soon as possible.

Bugs invasion is most likely to happen if you live in the areas where critters are common. Applying bedbug-proof bed encasement which comes with an impenetrable zipper so those bugs can’t find a way to get through your mattress. It can be a good addition to your mattress protector.

Let the sun shines in

Natural light and air are nice elements that will help to reduce the moisture on your mattress. Open the window once a month on a sunny day and let the sunlight expose your mattress and air circulate properly. Keep the cover of your mattress on to prevent bedbugs from invading your mattress.

Separate your bed

Well, it surely feels so lovely to cuddle with your dogs on your bed, but it’s actually not a wise idea. If possible, you can provide a separate bed that you can use only to snuggle with your beloved pets.

Even when you have regularly groomed your pets, they still leave hair, skin cells, drool, and dirt that they bring from outside walks. Not to mention, they may also accidentally poop, pee, or vomit on your bed which can be quite difficult to handle.

Do not jump

Listen to your mom when she told you not to jump on the bed! It’s definitely true since you may damage the core material of the mattress and the support. All types of mattresses are prone to this damage when you jump in and out frequently.

Move it carefully

When you need to move your mattress, you should get the job done carefully. Place the mattress inside a heavy-duty mattress bag that will prevent dirt, scuffs, and scratches. Do not fold or bend the bed which will lead to further damage. Keep the mattress in the upright position when you move the mattress to prevent sagging.

Learn the manufacturer’s instructions

Of course, different types of mattresses require specific treatments. Even some manufacturers require particular care that you should apply to their mattresses.

You can always check the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain your mattresses properly. They commonly advise you on the most suitable steps that you should do to clean the stains and generally clean them. Some of the manufacturers may suggest you use a vacuum with a hose attachment, but some may not.

The only basic considerations are to always protect the mattress from accidental spills or mess, use proper support, and avoid using harsh chemicals.

So, have fun taking care of your beloved mattress now!

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