
Motorbike Storage: 4 Tips For Keeping Your Ride Safe

When it comes to vehicle-thefts, motorbikes fall into the highly-vulnerable category. While cars, vans, trucks and other vehicles are stolen or damaged often moving one of these vehicles undetected can be difficult. A motorbike, on the other hand, can quickly and easily be lifted into the back of a van or carried down the street without much trouble.

To keep your motorbike safe, you need to ensure that you take the right precautions when you’re locking your ride up. There is a range of different ways that you can keep your bike protected and deter thieves. With the right combination of strategies, products and common-sense, you can keep your bike protected from thieves, vandals and anyone else who wants to cause harm to your motorbike.

Let’s take a look at just a few ways that you can keep your ride safe and protected.

Store Your Bike Indoors

 Naturally storing your motorbike outdoors will present a higher risk of something happening to your machine. To keep your bike out of sight and protected when you’re not on the road you should lock it up safely in your garage. Whether you have roller garage doors, side hinged doors or tilt garage doors, you need to ensure that you bolster them to improve security, preventing anyone from breaking in to take your bike.

Use Motorbike Locks

There is a range of different motorbike locks that you can use to keep your bike safe. Different types of locks will be more suitable, depending on the size of your wheels and where you are storing your bike. A large chain lock can be a great deterrent and disc locks can add an extra layer of security. Most motorbike owners will use multiple locks when they are locking their bike up in public. With this approach a thief needs time to break two or three locks rather than just a single system before they can ride away, increasing their chance of being identified.

Install An Alarm Or Mobiliser

 Fitting your motorbike with an alarm or immobiliser can help to keep your vehicle safe while also reducing your insurance premiums. Alarms and immobilisers provide such an added level of motorbike security, that many insurance companies will reduce your premium if you have one or both installed. Typically, if a bike thief sees an alarm or immobiliser fitted on a motorbike, they will quickly move onto the next target to avoid drawing attention to their behaviour. While it is possible to DIY-fit an alarm or immobiliser, with the complex electrics on most modern bikes, it is best to leave this task to the experts.

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

 When you are locking up your motorbike away from your home, be sure to choose the right location. Parking down a quiet, dimly lit street will give professional thieves plenty of time to disable your alarm or immobiliser and cut through all of your bike locks. With nobody around to disturb them, your bike will have every chance of being taken on a joy ride. Parking in a well-lit busy area, on the other hand, will instantly reduce the chances of your motorbike being targeted. Be aware of your surroundings and choose a suitable location to park your bike to ensure that it is as safe as possible.

Take The Necessary Precautions To Keep Your Motorbike Safe

 Purchasing a motorbike is not cheap and you will want to do everything that you can to ensure that your investment is protected. Using a combination of durable locks, fitting an alarm or an immobiliser and storing your bike in an appropriate location whether you are at home or out riding, is critical in ensuring that your motorbike is safe from thieves. With the right safety precautions in place, you can enjoy more peace of mind, knowing that your motorbike is protected.

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