
Simple and Effective Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

In the real estate game, first impressions are often vitally important. If prospective buyers are unimpressed with what they see on the outside, the odds of them wanting a look inside are slim. Regardless of what your home’s interior has to offer, a poorly maintained exterior is practically guaranteed to drive people away. That being the case, home-sellers looking for effective ways to pique the interest of house hunters should make curb appeal one of their top priorities. Additionally, stepping up your home’s curb appeal needn’t be a costly, cumbersome, or time-consuming undertaking. Sellers looking to boost curb appeal in an expedient fashion would do well to consider the following measures.

Hire an Experienced Lawn Care Company

Tending to your yard is a big part of curb appeal. Whereas a meticulously well-kept yard is liable to entice prospective buyers, a yard that’s been habitually neglected is unlikely to pique anyone’s interest. With this in mind, consider reaching out to an experienced lawn care company. In addition to keeping your lawn mowed and nourished, the right company will provide fertilization, aeration, and thatch-removal services, as well. 

Before committing to hire a lawn care company, make sure they understand your needs and are able to provide the level of service you’re looking for. Furthermore, confirm that a company is licensed and insured in advance of giving them your patronage. Working with an insurance and/or unlicensed company may seem like an effective way to save money, but in the event of accidental damage, you’re liable to have a hard time getting them to take responsibility.  

Declutter Your Yard

Some yards are more susceptible to clutter than others. For example, families that don’t spend a great deal of time outside tend to have fairly clean yards. On the flipside, families that engage in ample outdoor activity often leave a fair number of items on their lawns. This is particularly apparent in households with small children, where everything from bicycles to action figures can be found inhabiting yards. If this describes your situation, make a point of regularly decluttering your yard throughout the home-selling process. This isn’t to say your kids can’t play outside – just make sure they clean up after themselves whenever they do. Additionally, whenever you engage in outside exercise or recreation, abstain from leaving any items outside once you’ve finished up. 

Repaint Your Home

Few things can revitalize a home like a fresh coat of paint. So, if your home’s current paint-job has begun to peel, crack or fade, now would be a good time to repaint. Before deciding on the right color, consult your realtor to get their take on the matter. Although certain colors are effective at eliciting positive attention, others can be quite the turn-off. If you’ve never painted a home or simply lack the time to tackle such a job, farm this task out to professional house-painters. This may entail spending a little more than you’d like, but it will help ensure that the job is completed in a timely and stress-free manner.    

Replace Damaged Gutters

If your home is sporting any noticeable aesthetic damage, interest in the property is likely to be limited. This is particularly true when it comes to damaged gutters. In addition to being an eyesore, damaged gutters represent a monetary expense that the news owners will need to tend to. Given how large a purchase a home represents, the last thing most buyers are looking to do is spend even more money. With this in mind, make a point of replacing damaged gutters in advance of listing your home. So, if your home’s gutters have started to sag or bend or have incurred any other significant damage, take care to swap them out.

In nearly every area of life, first impressions are important – and home sales are no exception. If a home looks great on the outside, prospective buyers are more likely to want a look at what the interior has to offer. As such, it behooves all home-sellers to spruce up their homes’ exteriors. Fortunately, making your home sparkle doesn’t have to be a drain on your time or finances. With the help of the previously discussed pointers, you can generate interest in your home in a timely and low-stress manner.

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