
Top 10 Pest Control Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Nearly ever homeowner will face a pest problem at some point in their lives. Pests love the comfort of our homes and will do whatever they can to get inside. They are a part of life. However, there many things you can do to help avoid the problem. The key is to take preventative action.

Here are 10 pest control tips that every homeowner should know. If you need help, reach out to Pest Control Lindsay or another professional near you.

  1. Do some research

Find out which pests are the most common in your area and look them up online. Get to know what attracts them to the house and how you can avoid them. Understanding what you are dealing with is important for pest prevention and treatment because you’ll know how they function.

  1. Use the right baits and sprays

Following your research, purchase baits and sprays that are appropriate for what you are dealing with. If you have ants, for example, you should use a bait that is formulated for that specific type of ant. Using a product for another species might not work at all since it depends on the pest’s biology.

When setting mouse traps, make sure that you use what mice like, such as peanut butter or jerky. Use only a pea-sized amount, otherwise the trap might not go off. Set multiple traps in different areas of mouse activity and check on them often.

  1. Don’t mix products

Pest control products can be dangerous. That’s why professionals have to take exams and undergo training before they can apply them. When using pest control products, make sure that you read their labels very carefully. Do not mix things together or you risk creating toxic fumes or creating a treatment that does not work. Less is more.

  1. Cover wall vents and openings

The little gaps you see between the bricks in your walls are important for ventilation, yet they can invite unwanted pests into the house. Block these with stainless steel vent covers. Plastic covers can be chewed by rodents. For larger vents, like the dryer exhaust vent, use a galvanized steel mesh that you can cut, shape, and screw into the wall.

  1. Seal cracks in the wall

Mice are very flexible and tiny enough to fit through the tiniest of gaps. Insects can also slither through openings you never would have even considered. So, seal any cracks you find in your walls. Fix cracks in the door frames, window frames, foundation, soffits, siding, and more. You can also fill in the gaps you find in your cables with expanding foam or steel wool.

  1. Keep food out of reach

Keeping the house clean will reduce the smell of food, which will help to keep pests out. So, tidy up the kitchen at the end of each day and take out the garbage. Use lidded garbage cans and bins that you can tie down with bungee cords. You should also store food in containers that are airtight. Never leave food out on the counter overnight, even dirty dishes.

  1. Start early

The earlier you act on a pest problem, the better. Pests breed very quickly and usually won’t go away on their own. You must treat the problem right away. Contact an exterminator or set up your own DIY treatment immediately upon seeing pests.

  1. Take preventative measures

Be careful when buying used furniture or staying in hotels. Always inspect your clothing when you return home from a trip or when you do your laundry in a public space. Bed bugs cling to furniture, bedding, and clothing. Deterrents, such as ultrasonic deterrents can be useful for keeping rodents away.

  1. Hire a professional when you need it

Some pests are nearly impossible to get rid of without professional help. Cockroaches and bed bugs, for example, and extremely resilient to store-bought pesticides. Call an exterminator if you are dealing with a difficult pest or you feel overwhelmed. There is no shame in calling in the professionals if handling the problem is too much to do yourself. Professional services are very quick and effective.

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