5 Best Grandfather Clock Brands

Are you interested in buying a classic Grandfather clock? These fascinating fully scaled timekeeping pieces have intrigued generations of mankind since the 16th century. While some people find them quaint, others find them an endless source of inspiration.

Many styles have come and gone in the years since. But if you are searching for a quality Grandfather clock, you have plenty of modern options to choose from. Here are 5 of the very best according to ClockNerds.com.

1. Hermle Black Forest Clocks

Grandfather clocks first came into existence at the end of the 16th century, thanks to an inspiration provided by none other than the legendary Galileo. But they really came into their own in the next century. Many of the most famous grandfather clock makers hailed from the land of Germany.

To this day, the tradition of making classic Grandfather clocks is a strong one in the Fatherland. In fact, one of the most renowned recent makers of these classic timepieces is the Hermle Black Forest Clock company. Located in the very heart of Germany, this company builds a vast series of masterpieces.

Franz Hermle first founded the company in 1922. Today, a century later, it commands a top billing among the world’s most trusted makers of Grandfather clocks. This is a company that inherited a strong legacy of quality and built on it to become a true legend in the eyes of critics and customers alike.

2. Kieninger Clock Company

The Kieninger Clock Company is another example of a somewhat modern company that has mastered the timeless art of creating classic Grandfather clocks. Though they have been around for less than a century, you’d never know it. They create masterpieces that look and feel like aged veterans of the timekeeping trade.

In fact, the company now holds the distinction of being the very oldest maker of Grandfather clocks, mantel clocks, and wall clocks in the world. This isn’t bad for a company whose real origins go back barely to the First World War. But when it comes to evoking the grandeur of olden days, these are the wizards to trust.

3. Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks

The very name of the company lets you know that you are dealing with a true master of the Grandfather clock manufacturing process. Although a relative newcomer to the scene, the company has no green pack of rank amateurs. Ridgeway has been making a name for itself in the lore of clock lovers the world over.

The company has been in existence since 1960. Since that time, it has focused on making a wide variety of Grandfather clocks. The idea has been to please the conservatives with plenty of traditional signs. But the focus of the company has also been on debuting plenty of new style clocks with innovative features.

4. Howard Miller Clock Company

The Howard Miller Clock Company has been a byword for classic Grandfather clocks for nearly a century. The company was first founded in 1926 with the idea of creating Grandfather clocks in the grand style of the 18th and 19th centuries. Since that time, the company has become the top manufacturer in its field.

As of 2021, the Howard Miller Clock Company makes a wide variety of models under its own name. However, it has also purchased a number of other Grandfather clock companies. These former rivals have been added to the parent company as subsidiaries. The clock you buy in 2021 may well come under this arrangement.

It must be said that, even with all of the recent upheaval in the world of Grandfather clocks, the models made by the Miller Company remain of the very highest quality. These are clocks that collectors and home owners alike have rated as some of the best on the modern market.

5. Bulova

The company was named after Joseph Bulova, a very famous maker of classic Grandfather cocks. He founded the company in 1875 and passed it down to his heirs. It was renamed as the Bulova Watch Company in 1923 but also continued its tradition of making some of the world’s finest traditional Grandfather clocks.

Although the company was dissolved in 2005, you can still find plenty of models available on the market. They remain some of the most hotly sought after clocks by collectors, yet can still be found at a bargain price if you know where to look.

Grandfather Clocks Are a Timeless Home Addition

Are you looking for the perfect new item to top off your home decor in an engaging and imposing style? You should look no further than the classic Grandfather clock. Whether old or new, these timepieces provide a measure of grandeur that is second to none. The time to buy one for yourself is now.

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