How To

4 Quick and Cheap Ways on How to Heat a Pool | Fun DIY Projects

Once you have a swimming pool in your backyard, it’s safe to say that you have provided enough entertaining spot for everyone. It will become a more ‘living’ outdoor living space which always looks inviting to enjoy.

Enjoying your swimming pool to release the heat of your body always sounds exhilarating. But sometimes, you also want to experience a different sensation by using the pool in a warmer temperature, yet you are not willing enough to spend your budget to invest in a pool heater which can be quite expensive to buy.

For sure, swimming in warmer water can be as enjoyable as in cold water, especially when the season is not really that hot. You may still want to swim around or simply chill your body in the pool when the day gets a bit colder.

There are some ways that you can try to have a swimming pool with warmer water without installing the pricey heater. Well, maybe not as easy and as plush as using actual heater but it’s still worth considering when you want to use the pool in a more enjoyable way.

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The tutorial on how to heat a pool below will show you the cheap and quick ways to raise the temperature of your pool water on a budget!

How to Heat a Pool Cheaply and Quickly

You’re gonna need to purchase some affordable stuff for these pool-heating hacks. Unlike the pool heater, you won’t have to bother the heating cost at all.

Use Black Hose

As you may have known deep dark color absorbs more heat, so you can use black hoses to give more warmth to your water. It’s a very simple way to benefit the sunlight to heat up your swimming pool. The cost that you need to spend is around $150 to $300.

Prepare these supplies:

  • Solid black garden hose (around 400 feet length or long enough to cover the length from the pool pump to the sun-exposed area)

Follow these steps:

  • Unravel the garden hose.
  • Connect the to hose the swimming pool pump return.
  • Run the hose to the spot with abundant sunlight exposure.
  • Wrap it in a coil form to retain heat well.
  • Put the other open-end of the hose in the swimming pool.

Use Solar Cover

Besides its main job to cover your swimming pool, the solar cover also works quite well to heat the pool on a budget. Well, because it prevents the water to evaporate when sunlight exposes the pool which then retains the heat of the water. The cost that you have to spend to purchase a solar cover is around $4o to $100.

  • Purchase a solar cover which suits well for the dimension and shape of your pool.
  • Let it sit for quite some time until you’re sure enough the water gets much warmer.

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Use Solar Rings

Another alternative to heating up the pool with the warmth retention of the sun that you can try is using the solar rings. They basically work similarly to the pool cover yet in different forms. The numbers of solar rings that you need depend on the size of your swimming pool.

  • Put some solar rings on your pool, make sure they are enough to properly cover the surface.
  • Let them heat up your pool water.

Use Liquid Solar Cover

As the name suggests, you will deal with the liquid chemical that works to create a barrier that prevents heat loss. It’s specifically designed for the swimming pool which makes it safe for us and the environment. Though it’s not effective as ‘visible’ solar cover, it’s still worth considering.

  • Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions to find out the amount of liquid solar cover that you can add to your swimming pool.

(Check this out: How to Vacuum an Above Ground Pool with Only 3 Quick Simple Steps)

So those are some ways that you can keep in mind when you want to heat up the pool without the heater. Of course, you don’t have to bother paying the monthly bill, you just have to spend the money for the initial purchase.

Basically, you are going to rely on natural heat from sunlight when you use the options above to warm up your pool. It needs more effort but suits really well for you who have a limited budget.

Well, let’s add this tutorial on how to heat a pool to your DIY projects list now!

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