Tips on Creation Cozy Workplace for Students in Small Dorm Room

If you have problems with concentration on studying, probably your dorm room is not conducive to learning. Let’s consider effective ways to make your study corner more convenient.

Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

Varieties of Study Spaces

Nowadays, the pandemic influences many spheres of the lives of people. For example, students had to transfer to remote learning. They not only conduct classes with the help of video conferencing platforms but have to do their homework assignments at home or dorm room.

Previously, there were many places where learners could handle their academic tasks. Some of them chose a library since it is a quiet and spacious place. Usually, a library was empty so students could write an essay without distraction. Other learners did homework projects directly at academic buildings since educators were available and ready to assist anytime.

But now, as a rule, learners write essays lying in beds with their laptops. This can be pretty uncomfortable and many distractions are present at home or in the dorm room. In order to stay motivated to study we have prepared interesting dorm room ideas. This will help to make your study corner so cozy that you will be able to focus on your learning.

Get into a Comfortable Position

You might probably think that if you lay on a soft bed with your laptop on your knees is a proper work position. Nevertheless, it is not a convenient position and your body can be tired quickly so you lose motivation to study further. The right work position depends on your area of learning. For instance, if you are studying to be an artist, it is recommended to set up an easel and adjustable desk. If you intend to be a graphic designer, then several monitors will be required for your studying.

Sometimes, your college dorm room can be quite small so it would be impossible to set up several monitors or a special desk. But there is no need to worry about your academic performance since you can simply buy essay and not waste extra money on the equipment for your room. Relying on the online paper writing service, you will not only save time and effort but there will be no necessity to bother about your numerous academic projects.

Consider Lighting

The proper lighting should be for sure in your dorm room checklist. Lighting is not only important for the design of your room but for your concentration on learning. For example, you can hang fairy lights. They are not extremely bright but add a good mood to the atmosphere of your dorm room. If you need to add light to your study space, you can consider purchasing a study lamp. This would be the best option since such lamps are available for learners and helpful during your studies.

Lighting not only influences your productivity but also impacts your overall mood. Muffled light will not assist you to stay concentrated on your studies. With its influence, you will only want to fall asleep faster. That’s why in order to stay focused on learning, stronger light should be near your study corner.

College Packing List

When you move to the dorm room, you probably want to take as many of your things from home as possible. But you should remember that your dorm room will be smaller than your entire home. A large number of things will simply make your room overstuffed. This can lead to you not having even a small space to study. For this reason, you should prepare a packing list before moving to the college dorm room.

Include in a list only important things that will be necessary for learning and everyday life. Do not forget about books and study materials that will be handy when you get an essay assignment. Also, take clothes that you will wear for sure. Do not take unnecessary pieces of furniture for example chairs, carpets, or bedside tables. You can add extra things to your room only after you look at its size and make sure these things will not overstuff your study space.

Think about Dorm Room Décor

As a rule, dorm rooms are not conducive to learning. They are not bright and rarely contribute to students’ motivation to focus on their studies. That’s why you should take some time and consider how to decorate your room. Aside from the already mentioned fairy lights, you can hang photos with your family members and friends on walls or use different wall decals.

Usually, your possibilities for room decoration can be limitless. You can use your creativity and make your dorm room look like you desire. Still, it would be a good idea to ask permission if you decide to make big changes in your room. After you transform your apartment, writing essays and preparing academic projects will be more fun and interesting.


To conclude we can say that there are many creative and interesting dorm room ideas that will make your study corner cozier. Learning can be fun if you remove all distractions, experiment with lighting, consider decorating your dorm room, etc. Our list includes only several tips for creating a comfortable workplace. Although they are effective separately, after uniting and applying all tips, you will make your study corner the coziest than ever.

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