Pet-Friendly Home Interior Tips

Pet owners across the globe consider their furry friends their babies, meaning they’re always searching for ways to transform their homes into a sanctuary for their four-legged friends. For a pet owner, it’s just as important that their companion feels just as at home in their space as they do. So, is your home the space of dreams for your furry friend? If not, you might consider re-evaluating the following features of your home. After all, your home is your pet’s entire world, so you want to ensure they’re as comfortable as they possibly can be in the space. Discover how you can achieve this comfort below.


Fur-Free Furniture

When creating a pet-friendly home, the first thing you need to consider is your furniture. Certain fabrics will collect fur, meaning you should always avoid upholstery that acts as a magnet for pet hair. These materials include chenille, velour, corduroy, mohair, or velvet. Moreover, although it won’t necessarily collect hair, you should also steer away from delicate materials like silk, as these can be easily damaged by claws. Instead of these fabrics, you might go for synthetic fibres, leathers, and smooth tapestries. Whatever textile you opt for, make sure you invest in a quality piece that claws won’t be able to pierce through.

Tables, Not Toys

If you’re an owner of a rambunctious puppy, you’ll likely have noticed that they find a way to make anything a chew toy. As a result, you should steer clear of sisal, rattan, and wicker furniture, as a cheeky puppy is sure to view these materials as a teething toy. Instead, you might choose chrome or metal, as your puppy won’t be able to sink their teeth into these materials. Instead, they’ll be forced to search for their favorite teething toy, saving your furniture from the threat that those needly little teeth present.

Fuss-Free Flooring

Whether you’re hoping to keep mud at bay, or you want flooring that’s able to withstand the challenges of toilet training, easy-clean flooring is essential for any pet owner. Consequently, you’re going to want to avoid hardwood floors that are prone to staining, scratching, or denting. If you’re desperate for that wooden finish, oak and mahogany might just be strong enough to withstand the pressures of a pet. Despite this, your easiest bet is to go for ceramic or stone tiles, or laminate flooring. Not only are these harder to damage, but they come with the added benefit of keeping your pets cool in the summer.

The Playroom

It goes without saying that pets need a space in which they can run and play; however, not all of us want this chaos to take place in every room of our house. Therefore, you might designate a specific play space in which your pet can run wild. This room should be the home of their toybox, as this will signal that this is the place in which they can run amuck. If you wish to join in playtime with your pet, be sure that it’s done within this room; otherwise, they’ll think that every room in the house is meant for playing.

Clean Kitchens

Part of creating a pet-friendly home involves keeping rooms as tidy as possible. In order to achieve this look, you might keep food and water bowls out of the way so that your pet doesn’t push them around the kitchen as they eat or drink. Just make sure that the bowls are accessible to your furry friend, even if they’re not in plain sight for the humans.

What pet-friendly home tips do you have?

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