How To

12 Effective Steps on How to Get Algae Out of Pool | DIY Tutorial

Algae is the swimming pool’s enemy. These tiny green (and other colors) spores always find their way to sneak into your pool water. Even worse, they grow so quickly and turn your lovely swimming pool into a nasty pond in no time.

Commonly, algae come in full force when the summer comes since your pool is exposed to sunlight and they can photosynthesize massively. The other factors that invite the algae to come around are:

  • Debris – The debris that falls into the water may introduce the algae to the water. Some leaves can carry the nuisance then spread it around the pool.
  • Imbalance Chemicals – One of the main jobs of the pool chemicals is to keep your water clean. When you have pool water with an imbalance chemical level (chlorine, for instance) algae can grow much easier quickly.
  • Heavy use – The more people use the pool, the dirtier it can get. That’s why you always need to properly clean the pool after heavy use.

Though algae which are found in the swimming pool are not harmful – whatever their color is – you still need to get rid of them as soon as possible. The most common problem that occurs due to the presence of algae is discolored water. Once they grow rapidly, you will have a green slimy pond instead of a crystal clear swimming pool.

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But don’t worry, getting rid of them is a simple job if you do it correctly. The tutorial on How to Get Algae Out of Pool below will guide you to solve the problem effectively and efficiently.

How to Get Algae Out of Pool | DIY Tutorial

The green algae are the most common kind when it comes to the swimming pool problem. They both float on the water and stick to any surfaces as they want. Remember, algae can’t wait. Whenever you spot their presence, take action immediately.

Test the Water

Before you start cleaning the water, make sure that it has an ideal chemistry level. The imbalance chemistry level will make the cleaning process more difficult.

Prepare these supplies:

  • Pool tester strips or kit

Follow these steps:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to check the chemical level of the pool water.
  • Check if there’s an imbalance level of the chemicals of the water.
  • Take action on how to lower or raise each chemical level.

Run the Pump

Turning on the pump will make the water keep moving which ease the cleaning process and prevent the algae to come back. You need to run the pump 24 hours a day while treating your pool.

Skim the Debris

As mentioned above, some algae also float besides sticking on the surfaces. Therefore, you can use a skimmer to remove them, along with those falling leaves, dirt, and any other debris. Skim anything that you can spot visibly.

(Recommended to read: Find 6 Cheap DIY Ways on How to Keep Wasps Away from Pool)

Brush the Surface

To remove the algae that stick on the surface of your pool, you need to use some kind of brush. You can find the brush products which are specifically designed to remove algae. But remember, different materials of pool surfaces require a different type of brush, dig some research for it.

  • Brush the walls and floor of your swimming pool.
  • Pay extra attention to the spots where algae grow the most which are the corners, steps, and other shady areas.

Manually Vacuum the Pool

To remove the algae, the manual vacuum is always the best option. Manually vacuum the algae which get loosened after you brush the surface of the pool.

Clean the Pool Filter

Cleaning up your filter is a very important step to get the algae out of your pool. You can check this Here’s 8 Simple Steps on How to Clean Pool Filter – Easy DIY Tutorial to guide you to do this step.

Shock the Pool

As you may have known, shocking the pool means that you chlorinate the pool water in a more extreme way. It works to remove all the unbeneficial matters including algae.

In addition to your weekly shocking routine, you have to do this step. The more algae that invade your pool, the more you need to shock the water. Moreover, the worse type of algae (the yellow and black ones) also require more shocking steps.

  • Wear rubber gloves and an ugly shirt since the bleach may get it on you.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s directions to determine the amount of shock mixture that you need.
  • One of the common effects of shocking is cloudy water, and you will have to wait up to 2 days to get the water clear again.
  • Do not use the pool when the water still looks cloudy.

Re-brush the Pool

Brushing the surface of your pool two times is a good way to completely remove the algae that bloom around the pool. Just like the first brushing step, you need to thoroughly brush the surfaces of the pool including those shady areas.

Re-clean the Filter

After doing all of the steps above, you may find some algae in your pool filter. Clean up the filter again and make sure all the debris is completely removed.

Add Algaecide

Of course, you can’t leave the algaecide in the process of removing algae from the pool water. Algaecide is a good product to prevent the algae to invade your pool water again since it can kill them effectively. Add a dose of algaecide to the pool water as instructed on the package.

Retest the Water


Here comes the final step which simply to make sure the level of your pool chemical. Just use the pool tester strip or kit again to see find it out.

(Read also: Check Out 3 Simple Steps on How to Clear a Cloudy Pool)

Well, have a nice try then!

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